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On the ground
and understanding
the landscape

More than just property leasing, our
expertise extends into tenant representation
and investment and development.

20 Garrett Street / Acquired in 2018

Taking care
of the details

Finding or moving to a new space is stressful and complicated – don’t worry we are here to take care of all the details. Our team understands that you want to deal with the bigger picture – to secure the right space for your company, whilst we handle all the minutiae that finding a new space entails.

We’d love to hear from you,
please get in touch with us here.

The Ellis Brown

Fringe is a broadsheet format

Fringe features articles on Food and Drink, Style, Art and Design, Business and Local History

Clerkenwell Tailor, Susannah Hall

Ellis Brown’s new journal is a celebration of that part of London which somehow bridges the time between our capital city’s old industrial heartland and its most progressive vision. We call it the ‘Fringe’.

Watches with Ellis Brown clients, Sub Dial

The future of Smithfields

Ellis Brown collaborators, Hut Architects

Each issue features stories from the ‘Fringe’ –
food and drink, art and design, style, business local history and also a little bit of what we do and what we have been up to.

For a complimentary copy please contact us here